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What We Believe

Anchor 1

We Want to Serve You



Resurrection City, The Online Church, is grounded in our belief in the Holy Trinity. We believe in one God who reveals Himself in three distinct persons – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Our Statement of Faith is the foundation for all we do, and we are committed to sharing the love and message of Jesus Christ with everyone we encounter. Join us in our mission to make a positive impact on the world.


Believe the bible to be the inspired written word of God; it is infallible and undisputed.

We believe the Bible is the undisputed source of truth. Our teachings and services are centered on sharing the gospel and the transformative messages found in the Bible.  Experience for yourself the power of His words.


Salvation is through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ Romans 10:9-10.

Our ministry is grounded in believing that salvation is possible through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. In By with Romans 10:9-10, we offer a space for individuals to confess their faith and receive support on their journey. Whether you're just starting to explore Christianity or have been a lifelong believer, we are here to guide and support you every step of the way.


Belief in the gift of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues according to Acts 2:4

At our Ministry, we believe that the gift of the Holy Spirit is vital to a thriving faith. According to Acts 2:4, speaking in tongues is evidence of this gift. Our team is dedicated to guiding you on your faith journey and helping you open up to this gift. Join us for our services and experience the power of the Holy Spirit firsthand.


Believe in baptizing baptizing Holy Trinity, the Father, Son,  and Holy Spirit.

 Experience the power of Baptizing. We believe this sacred act is a reaffirmation of one's Faith and a symbol of the union with Jesus Christ and the Holy Trinity. Our team is committed to guiding you through this spiritual journey with grace, love, and support. Baptizing. 


Believe in the laying on of hands, anointing with oil, feet washing and the gift of Prophecy.

Our ministry is committed to helping individuals connect with their faith and experience spiritual renewal through our services. We offer practices such as laying on of hands, anointing with oil, feet washing, and the gift of prophecy. These practices remind us of the power of God's love and bring us closer to a deeper understanding of our faith.


Believe in operating in the prophetic office as the spirit moves upon you according to 1 Samuel 10:5-7.

As believers, we understand the importance of the prophetic. At our Ministry, we operate in the prophetic office as the spirit moves upon us, and we are committed to sharing that gift with others. Our prophetic team is ready to hear from the Lord and share his message with you. Book your session now and discover the power of prophecy.


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